Frequently Asked Questions
Update: Our very own Dr. Dan was on Aesthetic TV recently! The video is about 10 minutes of the hosts asking Dr. Dan detailed questions about laser fungus removal, check it out: Click here to view in new window
How does the laser work?
This patented laser is specially designed to shine through your toenail and destroy the specific pathogens embedded in and under your nail causing the infection. The laser operates in the very tight spectrum of near infra red light. Unlike CO2 lasers of the past, this laser safely destroys the fungi, molds and bacteria that often cause onychomycosis.
Who qualifies for treatment?
There are no age or health restrictions or limitations.
Is this laser painful?
The gentle laser light beam has no effect on healthy tissue. There is no discomfort associated with the treatment during or after. This treatment does not harm or affect your activity in any way.
Is this treatment safe?
In clinical studies there have been no adverse reactions, injuries, disabilities or known side effects. As you may know, the use of the medication available today for treatment of fungus toenails carries with it possible systemic involvement (commonly the liver and kidney). This laser does not!
Does my insurance pay for this?
Because this treatment is considered aesthetic, health insurance plans do not cover this treatment. We accept major credit cards and personal checks or you may use your Flexible Spending Account from work.
Does it really work?
The clinical studies done this year reveal that over 88% of the treated nails show significant improvement. In most cases fungus nails are completely cured.
How soon will I see improvement?
On average, a toenail will replace itself every 6-9 months. Healthy new nail growth will be visible within the first 3 months.
Before and After Laser Treatment
This new patented laser technology kills the pathogens that cause toenail fungus (Onychomycosis).
- The gentle laser light works through the nail
- No side effects
- Does not harm the nail or skin
- Painless-no anesthesia needed
- Usually only one treatment required
- Shoes and nail polish can be worn immediately after treatment